actually am pretty tried~ cause of the chores!
my mum is in KL right now~ and mostly all the
work is me??!! I just can't stand it, if the jobs isn't
done, is just makes me really annoyed inside!
like "why the dishes are all pile up at the sink?" or
"why isn't the laundry isn't in the washing machine??"
or "why is there a dirt on the floor??" oh my god!
but the time I washing the dishes, I heard from the
radio saying "everyday must exercise to keep our perfect
fit!. For those who can't do hard exercising, doing the house-work
at home is more likely a exercise too! everyday doing the laundry
can also be an exercise!". I said to myself, (wow~) haha~lol
today I didn't go to school~ cause of the cooking wasn't ready!
and stupid part is~ I left the oven heat on, and the chicken
is still inside, at time I went to shower AND LEFT THE OVEN RUNNING
and why the **** did left the BBQ CHICKEN!! oh~the
beautiful bbq chicken~NO~!!!! I so feeling down...
so sayang man~ I mean sayang like the chicken the WHOLE
chicken BURN?? I left it~ why did I forgot my chicken~huhuhuhu
it was already perfect and I left it! it suppose to be for
lunch~ sayang rezeki, and I think pretty the chicken are
crying cause they can't be eaten...BURN!! who want a burn
chicken?? huhuhu~then I quickly get the other chicken in
the freezer, I put in water to melt the ice, but my brother arrived
already~no!!!!!!! (I said to myself) I feel pity for my brother he
want a BBQ chicken and I burn it!!! huhuhuu D;
but I boil some hot water so I can defrost the chicken
and I decided I just cook a fried chicken and some vegetabeles
also heat up yesterday soup, and some sambal I made last week
(I put it the refrigerator to keep it cool~)
ha~ I started to love cooking~ love to look some recepie
from my mum's~ the time I spent at KL I learn to cook~
and cutting the chicken at first time was really damn ok!
wait, I think am out topic~ actually because
I didn't go school cause lunch wasn't ready and
so I told my dad just today I don't have to go,
but tomorrow I have to~ even my english not even
finish yet...(sigh~) u'know I should be pissed cause
my ADIK-BERADIK can't even appreciate
the chores!! urgh! every time I think about mum
doing the chores I guess I pretty damn sure know how
my mum felt! even my back hurts! I feel like an old lady..haha..ha
I check amal post~ always interesting her post
of course about our religion "Islam/muslim"
whatever amal have a new post I got to read it~
her latest post is about "grey hairs" I thought to myself
"hmm.." (actually I wasn't thinking anything when am
about to read her post..(T_T) ) but anyway after I read
all of it....WHAT??!! and OMG!! REALLY??? (of course
u guys imagining my face how I freaked out? lols)
and I was thank goodness amal post this~
I not gonna pull mum's grey hairs anymore! cause
it's makruh! and the times I pull my mum's grey hairs...
(why even need to pull grey hairs?? isn't it mean that
you going enter that age?? old age I mean) from the post
amal written now I understand why we're given such hair
don't know how it turn that way but I guess we muslims
only to believe. From the hadis
Dari Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah shallallahu'alaihi wa salam bersabda
"Janganlah kamu mencabut uban kerana uban adalah cahaya pada hari kiamat
nanti. Siapa saja yang beruban dalam Islam walaupun sehelai, maka
dengan uban itu akan dicatat bagikan satu kebaikan, dengan uban itu
akan menghapus kesalahan, juga dengannya akan ditinggikan derajat. " (HR. Ibnu
Hibban dalam Shahihyan. Syaikh Syu'aib Al Arnauth mengatakan bahawa
Hibban dalam Shahihyan. Syaikh Syu'aib Al Arnauth mengatakan bahawa
sanad hadits ini hasan)
(copy&paste~sory mal nda pa2 kn? :))
so yea~ and true, it's all true~ so better
explain to mum and dad, no pull that grey hairs!
it's MAKRUH! and explain~yup~ tagur jangan di
dewa minna~wassalam
mata nee~
(I should give salam:D)
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