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KMB`tu-reGGae. (: Personalised By ;- Azeadrenaline. Izzyinsomnia. Azagoraphobia. Masyimasyo. SaifulSinister GbooGawjus

Sep 22, 2008

YUI-[I can't say] english ver.

You whisper in my ear
"We can't go on like this."
But there's something good about us,
I know it.

I'm not gonna give up on you,
But I'm not a little girl anymore.

If I could tell you how much I love you,
Could we be happy? I'm not a hero, you know.

Where I live, none of the hip skirts fit me.
But if you were here, I wouldn't care.

I see you, all confused and alone,
I try to look tough and I try not to care.
While deep down in my heart,
I can't stand seeing you like this.

If I could tell you how much I love you,
What would you do? I'm such a selfish jerk.

If I could tell you how much I love you,
Could we be happy? I'm so scared.

If I could tell you how much I love you,
What would you do? Maybe...

Maybe you'd know the truth...
You know...

cheese cake!! yum~

u know~ku nda tahan bh kn makan cheese cake, my mum bake it, lol. bunyi dh parut ku kn menahan. Baduk nda lama lg so I have to b so patient ler~. HAHAAHa, baru tdi ku menolong my mum baking it, I do the cheese on top and do the cream hm...lama lg bh

cheese cake so nyaman that I don't know how to bake it?? so malu man?? I know how to cook fried rice and buat sambal ja, more2 to learn...anyway, quickly lh can baduk so I can eat it to my self


Sep 21, 2008


hey2 this is me!! nda caya?? bnr aku itu hehe. Lovely yo. Am 15 years old, my hobbies are drawing, badminton, much2 more. The background is in my room.

Me and Izzah

Msa national day ni...sja masuk kn. This kmi practice balum lg the real thing, it was really HOT that time, paksa bwa sunblock, but walaupun pki msih da jua sunburn sikit haha. HA~so happy time..c Zerah nada msa tu sal ia da extra class for commerce, it was kindda boreng without her. Well that time ku balum kenal c Azah~c Azah yg atu c emo LOL, alsa saifol ia student baru.
Ia came to SMSH before the national day, I think??

Hm~well the good part is that I met my ex-classmates there..it's knidda weird though, when u pisah with ur friends, but we have time together at the MALL yeah!!!

Anyway, at the padang was really~HOT man!!!

Jangan th hairan nah

hansem guy from final fantasy!!! HOT kali a~but urg nya bkn nya bnr just from a game too bad huh~??

Sep 15, 2008

Intoducing mash

Hello~wassup, I am fan of  reggae too baru2 ani sja ni lh somehow teattract the 3 colours hehe mostly I love red cause...I can't say kndda hard to explain but I love it though hehe, don;t know what to say yet, nada ceta something urm hai happy holiday~~