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KMB`tu-reGGae. (: Personalised By ;- Azeadrenaline. Izzyinsomnia. Azagoraphobia. Masyimasyo. SaifulSinister GbooGawjus

Jan 22, 2010

Gotta love this!!!

people~ konbawa~ (^-^~)

I know is very late of me
to stay up late...but I just cant
resist not to t-type on the keyboard
besides im bored and I have nothing to do~

later~ I'll be at amal's house~
and there will be deciding wat to do
for tomorrow2 on sunday!! going out
here we go~!! XD


I have something to confess...
that I love C.N Blue~!!!
who R u they u say~ they
are a new boy band!!! kya~
I got a crush at bass player, I havent
yet to know their names but as a newbie fan
I'll defientlly going to know!!! hahaha

lols~ hm...

I guess that's2 all people~

DEWA~later (+=+)

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